... the first stop on our trip in south-eastern Serbia was the village of RSOVCI, known for a small church in a cave that hosts the unique fresco of BALD JESUS. We asked in a local store where the church was and how to get in, and they directed us to an old woman that holds the key ... on the way back from the church, we started talking to some random old guy, and he asked us "Did you see the bones?" "Which bones?" "The bones sticking out of the ground ...". So we went back towards the church with him to see the bones, and really, the river had taken the soil away and exposed human skeletons.
No one can say for sure whose skeletons they were or when they were from - there are no signs that there was ever a cemetery there.
The guy told us that a couple of years ago archeologists assembled 3 skeletons and they were all around 2 meters tall.



and here is the BALD JESUS, of course I forgot my point and shoot and it was pitch dark in the church, so my friend Rastko assisted me with a flashlight ...

Of course, just like every other village in the region, RSOVCI is almost deserted, out of more than a thousand people that lived there after WWII, only 40-50 remained.